Design : Ilya Shapko —
Design : Ilya Shapko —

Welcome to ELON MUSK MEME TOKEN Community.

EMMT Community


What is Elon Musk Meme Token ?

Here is a quick resume :

First, this is a meme. Since day one and will always be.

This is experimental ; We want it to work.

Genesis :

Two friends, who wanted to create a nice crypto community for sharing advice and helping newbies. We can’t do this alone, so we need a community. Every idea is welcome and everyone can contribute by sharing tutorials or news from the crypto world. This is the main goal.


Honestly, we wanted to bring attention to our projects. Cryptocurrencies projects nowadays are popping from everywhere, multiple scams occuring every day… We had to choose a powerful name. We will stay anonymous for today, we don’t want to bring much attention to ourselves for the moment, please respect that. In the future, if our projects become more known, we may need some people to help us move forward. We speak English and natively French, as we’re Europeans.

This project is built on our free time. Please don’t expect lightning quick releases.

Why a token then ?

Once and for all, this $ELONMUSK token is not another DeFI farming / staking / high APY project. It’s only a tradable asset, having his value growing by buyback mechanics exposed briefly below. Tokenomics : ONLY available on PancakeSwap, the pool was opened with 100% supply of 10M Tokens, and the v1 LP tokens were burned. No rugpull can, and the token will always have value.

Incentives :

As of today, there is no use case for this token other than the Meme and the Prior Membership / Early adopter.

The Plan is to develop things on our side, quite silently, and let the community grow itself. We’re tired of sh*tcoins that rug people with stratospheric supply and spamming everywhere. We want and need a sane grow. We aim for the long term, keep this in mind.

The smart contract has no special functions and can be quickly audited.

“How valuable will it be then, why should I buy some ?”

“Pretty” simple, we have 3 other projects to come : One is a token that will create value and profits itself by tokenomics and trading, with a limited supply. Two others will create profits by use case. (Obviously too early to disclose more informations)

A small percentage will be taken from those 3 projects transactions as profits and will be directly transfered to $ELONMUSK token pool on PancakeSwap v2. This will add value forever and create inflection. (The v1 liquidity will remain locked ad vitam eternam, creating arbitrage possibilities.)

YES, it means that when you simply hold $ELONMUSK tokens, their value will grow without doing anything but HODL them. The earlier you own $ELONMUSK, the greatest will be your ROI. Those features and projects are still on paper and will NOT being released really soon.

This Lightpaper is a version 2.1 updated for Medium at the date of post. A graphic roadmap will come soon.
Every modification or suggestion is welcome, feel free to contact us.
Oh, we have zero budget for advertising, don’t waste your time trying to sell us something. Thanks.
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EMMT Community

Main token of The Crypto Gambit ecosystem. Hold it, get rewarded for life.